5 Weekend Strategies for a Refreshing Monday 

We’re all guilty of not using our weekends to get the rest we should. Yet, there’s another type of guilt we face: that we aren’t doing enough. Weekends should truly be a time of rest, reflection, and relaxation. While we don’t discourage productivity, we DO encourage taking a few steps 

  1. Read

    Settle in on the couch or curl up in bed with a good book. Or a not good book! Find anything that will completely engross and transport you to another world. This way, you’re able to take your mind off everything else, and truly experience a real BREAK from your work week. Plus, although it’s relaxing to our body, reading definitely sharpens and strengthens the mind, helping you be set for a strong start Monday. Better yet, start a book club with your fellow teachers and have something to chat about at the start of the next week.

  2. Digital Detox

    It is absolutely critical that you put your phone down and step away from the screen. Without doing so, you really can’t disconnect from school mode. While you might physically leave your school (or leave a zoom session) on Friday, it doesn’t mean you’ve left it all behind. Disconnecting and leaving a location are two different things and you’ll want to give yourself the gift of the former. Responding to work emails over the weekend and lesson planning (although we know this one is unavoidable sometimes) makes it impossible to get the rest you need to start fresh on Monday. Instead use your Saturday and Sunday to unwind. You deserve it!

  3. Go Outside 

    Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee, and head out for a morning stroll. Not a walker? Simply sit outside in your backyard to smell the fresh air. Studies show that spending time outside is good for your vision, can boost your immune system, and reduce anxiety. If that weren't enough reasons to leave the confines of your home, almost all Americans are vitamin D deficient and the sun is a great source. Plus, exercise is much easier and more enjoyable outside. Go for a jog or do some jumping jacks in place, all while getting that fresh air pumping into your lungs. 

  4. Cook 

    And don’t just cook anything! Cook your absolutely favorite meal! Bonus points if it’s healthy. Restoring and nourishing your body is just as important as caring for your mind. Have a restaurant with a dish that you can’t get enough of? There are hundreds of “copycat” recipes to be found on the internet for you to recreate at home. Not only is it fun, but you’ll give yourself a sense of accomplishment and save a bit of money. Cooking not your thing? We count throwing together a healthy snack or whipping up a smoothie as cooking! 

  5. Self Massage

    Let’s be real, going to the spa on a teacher’s budget isn’t exactly realistic as an every weekend activity. Learn about pressure points and how they affect your body and mood. Start by applying kneading pressure using your thumbs on your shoulders, neck, head, lower back. Alternatively, ask a spouse, friend, or child for help! Light a candle, use essential oil, or your favorite scented lotion. Sore muscles from your work week? Tense up and then relax each muscle every muscle in your body one by one, for 10 seconds each, 3 times. Do this starting at your toes and move all the way up to your head. Don’t forget to unclench your jaw and mouth, where we hold a lot of our tension without realizing it. Letting go of this stress is a crucial step to starting on Monday with your best foot forward. 
