25 Holiday Break Self Care Tips for Teachers

YOU DID IT! You made it! Holiday break is here, and maybe you can’t even enjoy the cheer because you’re still wound up from the crazy past few weeks that you’ve had. Although you might have some time off - it’s important that we don’t spend this time filling our days with other tasks - even if they’re holiday related. Now is your time to restore and recharge, so check our list, and check it twice, and make sure that you treat yourself extra nice!

1.) Morning Me Time

Mornings are the best time to take care of yourself. If you can take 5 minutes of selfishness then, you’ll be able to tackle your day with more focus and determination. Even if all you have is 5 minutes, you can pick 2 or 3 things that you KNOW you want to do, just for yourself. It could be as simple as a cup of coffee or tea, watching a stretching video on youtube, or a face mask before jumping in the shower.

2.) Light a candle

Dim the lights and light a candle, preferably one with a yummy or relaxing scent! There’s nothing like being tucked under a blanket with the flicker of a soft candle to soothe your stressed out soul.

3.) Give yourself a gift

Yes, do it. You deserve it and have earned it. Head to the dollar section at Target, treat yourself to a fancy coffee drink, or make some softening hand scrub with everything you’ve already got on hand at home by clicking here.

4.) Go for a walk.

Stretching your legs and getting fresh air in your lungs can make a world of difference in your mood. You can put on your favorite song or simply enjoy the sounds of your surroundings. BONUS: If it’s a little cool outside, you’ll get your blood pumping and feel extra invigorated.

5.) Make a holiday budget

Set a hard limit for what you want to spend, in total! Start with the people at the top of your list, like your close family, children, and significant others. Those are the people who you’ll want to put the most thought (and possibly money) into. Once they’re taken care of, you can divvy up your remaining funds as you see fit. Budget all used up? That brings us to our next point…

6.)  Say no

Emotional exhaustion is a real thing, and so are empty wallets. Sometimes, we guilt ourselves into opting in to all of the holiday magic. It’s ok to say no to spending time and money that you simply don’t have.

7. ) Buy something, donate something

Stay clutter-free, or at the very least, avoid adding to your clutter by sticking with a one in, one out rule. For each thing that comes in, another goes out. Apply this rule to gifts, clothing, and decorations.

8.) Eat your veggies

It’s the holidays, so we won’t tell you to skip the treats entirely, but don’t forget to self nourish! The saying is true: you are what you eat. If you want to feel good you’ll have to eat good. Sneak in some veggies and fruits between all of the Christmas cookies and hot chocolate and your body will thank you.

9.)  No over scheduling

Holiday magic will happen whether you make it or not. It’s ok to say no to a party, event, or a gift exchange if it requires money or energy that you simply don’t have.

10.) Nap

Your mind and body need sleep, so don’t forget the power of a good nap, even if it’s just for 30 minutes. You could have a slow day, where you’re not doing much, but that doesn’t mean your body is catching up to where it needs to be. Use a nap as a tool to get yourself right.

11.) Read an actual book

With a real spine and pages! Shut off your phone and close your laptop and read a real book. There’s no comparison to getting lost in those pages without the blue light of a screen.

12. Laugh

Make plans with your funniest friend or plan a movie night filled with stand up comedy or hysterical rom coms.

13.) Internet break up

Think about the last time you went an entire hour without looking at your phone or checking your email. Can you? Now, think about all of the incredible life moments (or just rest) you’ve missed out on because you did so. Tell your spouse or your friends that you want a “phone free hour” and stick all of your devices where you wont be tempted to peek.

14. ) Say “I’m sorry”

Did you say something you didn’t mean to someone you care about? Maybe you’ve been distant or cranky after work? Or were a little impatient with one of your students or colleagues? It’s never too late to say sorry.

15.) Practice gratitude.

We’re huge fans of a gratitude journal. Take a few moments every day to write just one thing you’re grateful for. Sometimes all it takes is a redirection of our mind to focus on what we HAVE instead of what we don’t have, or what we want. Directing more of our attention towards gratitude for the things that make our lives wonderful is scientifically proven to make us healthier, happier, and less anxious.

16.) Say goodbye to guilt

Typically, we confuse guilt with disappointment. Maybe you set out to do something and had really high hopes, but fell short. Or perhaps you said yes to going to a party that you really didn’t want to go to, and you’re mad at yourself. Say to yourself: “Next time I’ll think twice, but I did my best” and resolve to not think about it again.

17.) Give

Give as much as you’re able, whether it’s your time or money! There are so many organizations, people, or animals that need our love and help. Pick something close to heart and give the way you want to give instead of how you think you are supposed to give. We suggest giving locally, as there’s nothing quite like creating change in your own community.

18.) Get crafty!

Be a kid again and make something, just for fun! Be creative. You can get some fun ideas here.

19. Breathe

Breathe in. Breathe out. Worried? Stressed? Angry? Sad? Deep breaths! the more you take, the better you’ll feel.

20. Move on

Did your significant other say something to annoy you? Boss give you a hard time right before the holidays? Difficult parent that blames you for everything? Rough few days at work? Tell yourself: “It’s done, its’s over, and I can’t change it.” and let yourself let it go!

21. Get away for a day

Sometimes a few minutes or even an hour isn’t enough. Ask someone you love for help with any tasks that need managing, and get out of the house, or your town, if possible for a day. It might just mean walking around a mall and not buying anything, or going for a long drive while listening to your favorite music. Either way, the alone time is invaluable.

22. Love

Instead of working so hard to please yourself or others, just love! Give a hug or a kiss to someone you care about. Smile at a stranger. Say thank you to the bus driver or mail man. These small acts of love make us happy, and others happy, and that’s what the holidays are all about. Take care of yourself over the holidays. It’s the best gift you can give yourself and everyone you love.

23.) Don’t worry about the state of your home

Hosting for the holidays? No one has a perfectly clean home (ok maybe your ONE friend does) so don’t worry about dusting behind every hidden corner of your house. I know I’m always personally relieved when I see that someone’s home is actually lived in. Light some fresh smelling candles like lemon or cucumber, and don’t be ashamed of stuffing everything into a closet if it means a less stressed you.

24.) Don’t shy away from take out or delivery

Cooking is lovely, and it’s one of our favorite things! But we know that realistically speaking, preparing a meal for others can be a daunting task. There’s no shame in ordering food to complete your holiday meal, or to bring to your friends party. If you really care about bringing or having something home made, allow yourself to compromise. Order the dinner, but make a dessert, or order appetizers, and prepare the dinner. You cant expect yourself to do it all!

25.) Accept help

It’s highly likely at some point during your holiday break, someone will ask you: “Can I help you with anything?” SAY YES! People don’t just ask this to be polite, they’re usually happy to lend a helping hand, and they’ll be even happier for you to accept.

