5 Ways to Beat the Post Winter-Break Slump


January 24 is on record as being the most depressing day of the year. In fact, it’s referred to as “Blue Monday”. Yikes! It’s not hard to figure out why! School break is over, the hustle bustle of the happy holidays has passed, and the bills from said holidays start to roll in from all your generosity and gift giving. The resolutions you made on December 31 are, well, not going so well! It’s cold, darker, and just a little bit more BLAH! (Not to mention, flu season is in full swing!)

But don’t worry - we’ve got 5 tips to help get you back on track & feeling your best. Be sure to share with a friend! 

1.) Clean out your desk

You never know what you might find in there! Spend a few extra minutes in the morning cleaning out your desk (or whatever work space you might have). It won’t take you too long but the difference in how you feel will be significant. Use leftover plastic take-out containers to organize your things like erasers or staplers, and kill two birds with one stone by clearing up some of your clutter at home. Be sure to recycle old papers or documents that are laying around, and get some wet wipes to clean away any gunk or grime. 

2.) New Wardrobe: one in, one out! 

Refreshing your wardrobe is an excellent way to refresh your attitude and confidence, but we know on a limited teacher budget, this is hard to pull off. Implement the “one in, one out” rule. Many local consignment shops will give you a few dollars for each of your gently used pieces, in addition to online services that do the same. Use this money to treat yourself to one or two “investment” pieces, like a sharp blazer, or comfortable, high quality slacks you can wear multiple times a week, in different ways that will stand the test of time. 

3.) Healthy breakfast 

New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier are usually the first to go. This happens for a few reasons, one of them being we set our goals too high, and they quickly become unmanageable. A good way to combat this is to set smaller goals, and work your way up. Having a healthy breakfast prepared beforehand is an easy way to start your day (and week) off right. Overnight oats, whole grain toast with avocado, banana with nut butter…

4.) Focus on the Big Picture 

Sometimes, all it takes to refresh your mind, body, and spirit is to think of the good things. If you’re having a so-so day, try to remember all of the things at school that bring you joy. It could be a really thoughtful or kind parent, or a student that said something particularly sweet. We all have a work friend that we can lean on for advice, or even just silly gossip. Leave yourself a special “go-to”  self care reward in your desk, like a luxurious smelling lotion or essential oils to help get you back on track. Ask yourself: “Why did I go into teaching in the first place?” List out the reasons. We’re all in this to make a difference in the lives of children, and that’s what it’s all about! 

5.) Ask for help

Don’t shy away from forming relationships with parents, families and other school staff outside your classroom or level. They can HELP you! A bond with just a handful of parents or fellow employees can pay off down the road in multiple ways. Both can help improve the overall atmosphere of your classrooms and school by building a sense of community. They can lighten the load of your admin as well by helping with school community projects, volunteering their time, or just being a shoulder to lean on.

